viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 9/30/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: If you were a zoo caretaker, what animal would
you want to be in charge of?



州*‘ -‘リ<うさぎ

Credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

Blog captain Rii


Rii Photo set Gekiharo

Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 9/23/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: If you could swap your voice with another Hello!Pro member's,
whose voice would you choose?

Reply:I'd rather not swap.

州*‘ -‘リ<取り替えなくていいです。

Credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

Princess Rii


Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 9/16/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: What special seasoning would you add to
your curry to bring out the flavor?


Reply: Egg

州*‘ -‘リ<たまご

Credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Risako Release Event Good Aa yo ga akeru

Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 9/9/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: Which H!P member do you think of when you hear
the words "adult woman"?



州*‘ -‘リ<?

I think Risako is trying to say that nobody in H!P is mature =P

Credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 9/2/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: If you could go to a world that was full of ○○,
what would it be?

Reply: A world full of color

州*‘ -‘リ<カラフルだらけの世界

Credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online

Pocket Morning Berryz Weekly Q&A (Week of 8/28/2011)

Berryz Kobo

Question: Is there something you'd definitely not lose
in to other H!P members?

  Reply: Being able to make my luggage compact!
 州*‘ -‘リ<にもつをコンパクトにまとめられること!

credits:Ro-kun by Hello Online